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الموضوع: Emploi au canada - Office Manager

  1. #1
    Super Moderator
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2012

    افتراضي Emploi au canada - Office Manager

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    jobs in Canada 2014 : Emploi au canada - Office Manager

    offres d'emplois au Canada 2014 /2014

    offres d'emplois gouvernement canada

    jobs gov - jobs in Canada 2014

    Annonces d'emplois au Canada 2014 /2014

    Office Manager


    Fern Ridge Landscaping


    Milton, ON

    Closing Date:


    Position: Financial/Office Manager
    Organization: Fern Ridge Landscaping

    Hours: 35 Hours/Week, Full-Time
    Website: http://www.fernridgelandscaping.com

    Fern Ridge Landscaping is a small, eco-oriented landscaping company located in Milton, Ontario. Founded in 1991, we employ a core of highly skilled employees with an eagerness to learn. The company specializes in quality design and construction. Combining unmatched horticultural knowledge with a passion for environmental sustainability, we work with like-minded homeowners, municipalities and organizations across the Halton Region and beyond to build sustainable landscapes.

    We are currently hiring an office manager to assist in the financial and organizational upkeep of our busy Milton office. The successful candidate will be self-motivated, and detail-oriented, with an interest in environmental sustainability and a love of numbers.

    The person will be responsible for managing and administering our financial system and must have training and/or experience in helping manage small business financial systems.

    Duties Include:

    Oversee accounts payable: entry, cheque preparation and payroll
    Maintain GST/HST reporting
    Prepare bank deposits
    Prepare budgets, monthly cash flow reports and monthly financial statements

    Track job costs and keep designers informed of daily crew progress
    Assist with grant applications
    Manage email and communications, including social media
    Assist landscape designers in early, basic phase of quoting projects (basic number gathering/entry)

    The position will also involve some general office duties such as answering general inquiries and collecting mail.

    The person for this position must have a working knowledge of QuickBooks (or other small business software) Word and Excel. Experience as an office manager is an asset, but not required.

    Competition closes February 11, 2014. The starting salary is negotiable, depending on experience and education. Ideal starting date is February 25, 2014.

    To Apply - postuler - Communication

    Please send your CV and cover letter by email to Stu Campana at fernridgehr@gmail.com. We thank all interested applicants but will contact only short-listed candidates for an interview.


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  2. #2

    افتراضي Emploi au canada - Office Manager

    Emploi au canada - Office Manager
    Emploi au canada - Office Manager
    Emploi au canada - Office Manager

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  3. #3

    افتراضي Emploi au canada - Office Manager

    Emploi au canada - Office Manager
    Emploi au canada - Office Manager
    Emploi au canada - Office Manager

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